Experience God's Spirit Through Meditation

Awakening Your Body - Things You Must Know To Rule Over Sickness And Diseases

Awakening Your Body - Things You Must Know To Rule Over Sickness And Diseases

Are you suffering from any form of sickness or disease?

Are you experiencing some sort of pain in your body?

Are you experiencing some sort of limitations deep within you?

I have a solution for you in Christ, and it's to awake your body. You need to awaken your mortal body and let the eternal life of Christ find expression inside it.

Your issue may not even be any of those problems listed above; nonetheless, you need to awaken your body.

You see, your body is far greater than what you think it is now. Your body is a trans-dimensional device. It's a device through which you can transverse places and realms in God.

Before Adam fell, he could transverse places in the eternal realms of God with his body. As a matter of fact, one of the reasons for the creation of our body is to be able to move in and out of it. places in God with our entire being.

Originally our body was meant to be that of light. The dust of the ground which Moses told us that our body was made from, is not the sand or soil of this fallen earth that you know.

Also, you need to know that what Moses was referring to as earth is not just this fallen 7 continents world, no...

What Moses called Earth is beyond that, it's the entire galaxies that comprise our solar system. He used a fallen and natural language of men to describe the eternal things that he saw.

What are the implications of this?

It is that when man comes into this understanding, his inner consciousness will awaken to a whole new level, and some of the dormant parts of his bodily abilities will be awakened.

We will be able to transverse places and galaxies and explore the entire cosmos without any limitations again. We can choose to set up our camp anywhere in Creation because they all belong to us, they are part of Earth.

Even in the natural, do you see how Science has advanced such that we have traveled to the moon and Mars? 

And we have begun to contemplate setting our abode in Mars.

This is a sign to you of how the future of man will look like. 

Science travels to space through a man-made space exploration device. And this is because they are ignorant of the capacity of our body to travel in dimensions and explore the cosmos.

But I'm telling you now, that a time is coming when man's body shall be awakened, and we won't need any device to travel through places again, not even on Earth.

We won't need to enter into a plane to travel to another country, because we will be able to travel through time and distance, even with our physical bodies. Because it's not just a temple for God and our spirit, it's also a traveling device for both God and our spirit.

The purpose for which it was given to us is that we might be able to explore places in God, as a physical representation of God in creation.

When our body is fully awakened, we shall begin to see what it's capable of doing through the government of our spirit.

So, awakening our body consciousness and vibrations applies to all men, not just those who are experiencing infirmities in their bodies.

How do you awaken your body?

Read part 2 of this article, there are practical steps for you to follow to start the awakening of your body.

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Elijah Enoch

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  1. Wow
    Was really blessed. My eyes or understanding is opening small small. I need to come into this awareness fully to maximize my person in Christ.
    God bless you sir Elijah Enoch

  2. Anonymous1:04:00 PM

    Where is part 2? I am expectant

  3. This one enter. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!

  4. Ah part 2 o I really need to lay hold of this practicals


  6. Tremendously blessed

  7. When is the appointed time to this sir

  8. Anonymous8:04:00 AM

    This is massive!! Eye opening truths.
