Experience God's Spirit Through Meditation

Living From The City Above [You Must Read]

Living From The City Above [You Must Read]

Look around you, what do you see?

Look across your communities, what do you see?

No matter what you see, they are not as beautiful and as glorious as they would have been,  because of the fall of man.

They were made to be glorious, far better than you see them now.

All things were designed to emit divine beauty and light, but The Fall affected things.

It affected all creation.

Look at the sky, 

Look at the sun during the day,

Look at the moon and the stars during the night. 

As beautiful as they are, they are all operating below their capacity because of The Fall.

So what is the solution, you ask. 

Well, the solution is to implant heaven on earth.

Earth became what it is today because of the fall of man.

And if the earth and the entire creation would blossom again, then man has to take responsibility and begin to look at the city above in the heavenly places in God:

Behold that city, enter into that city, explore that city, and implant that city on earth, through his soul gateways.

How do you see that city, not to talk of entering it, you ask. 

Well, it's simple. The key has been with you all these years: 

The way to enter into that divine heavenly Jerusalem is through your consciousness.

Enter into your consciousness, deep into your inner being, and switch on your imagination.

Imagine that beautiful city before you, and enter that beautiful city.

Walk in it freely, eat from the tree of life in that city.

Drink from the river of life of that city, that flows from the very Throne of God your Father.

See the beautiful realms and dimensions and structures in that city, and enter into them.

Feed from the divine life of God which permeates that city as its atmosphere.

Receive that divine Healing energy into your being, and fellowship with it.

See your body glowing with the illuminating light.

Dwell in this consciousness of divine imagination for a long.

Do this every day and every night when you lie down on your bed, ready to sleep. And you will be amazed at how great the Kingdom in you shall begin to manifest. 

You will begin to see great developments in different sectors on Earth, because someone has begun to transverse the heavenly city, bringing the frequency of that city to our world here on Earth.

Thereby implanting heaven on earth.

Are you blessed?
Share with others.

Do well to send your feedback to me.


Elijah Enoch

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  1. Consciousness!!
    Thank you sir 🙇

  2. Anonymous12:55:00 PM


  3. Can say less here sir than thànk you sir. Imaginations and thoughts......

  4. Good evening everyone.

    I want to share just a little testimony on this article which some can called contemplative worship or imaginative worship.

    I use to take a class with some people on this matter.

    I remember one of the things I told them to be doing was accessing the fruit from the tree of life at the beginning of every month.

    Some have eaten the fruit by faith while some saw it with their eyes and ate it.

    One of the result has been that, she has always been a sick person but since she started practising this, is more than one year and she hasn't fallen sick again up until now as we speak. Others have experienced such an excellent life healthy life of no sickness.

    There was a time that I was eating communion with them and I ask her to use her imaginations to administer it to her mum and her mum that usually fall sick anyhow has suddenly become stronger.

    There are many sir, but I thought to share this one here.

  5. Wow 🙆
    Let me introduce my siblings to also draw things down to earth. We won't be few

  6. Thanks so much sir.. I'm so blessed

  7. Thank you sir, I am very blessed.
