Experience God's Spirit Through Meditation

The Fall 2: The Effects Of Eating From The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil [Must Read]

The Fall 2: The Effects Of  Eating From The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil [Must Read]

As I said in the previous article, Adam didn't eat from a physical tree, but from a spiritual tree of knowledge that embodies both good and evil. He fed from a type of knowledge that embodies both negative and positive vibrations, which later affected his configuration and turned him into a human.

You see, humanity is not what God created, humanity is what came into existence when Adam fell. It's a result of the fall of Adam, it's what Adam became after he fell.

When Adam ate from this knowledge, he became a wholly different being that vibrates at a frequency that embodies both good and evil. The frequency that entered Adam through this knowledge affected his whole being and changed him into a lesser creation than who he was before.

The frequency affected him such that he lost his original internal connection with God; hence, he was afraid when he heard the Voice of God walking in the garden. He then sought to hide out of fear, because he had become a shadow of who he was, he was no longer that divine being created by God.

When he fed from that knowledge, he lost his divinity and put on humanity,  hence the glory that covered him initially had to leave him, and he and his wife became naked, and they had to seek for something to cover their nakedness.

You see, every knowledge vibrates at a particular frequency, and it's that frequency that determines the possibilities that will be made available to the one who feeds on that knowledge. As long as the person feeds on that knowledge, he cannot go beyond that possibility. To go beyond it, such a man must feed on another knowledge that embodies higher possibilities than the previous one.

When Adam fed on that knowledge, he received the frequency of that knowledge into his soul and entire being, which affected him greatly because the vibrations of that knowledge are far lesser than the one he previously embodied.

So the new vibrations slowed down his entire being's consciousness and vibrations. He began to depreciate both from within and without. And he lost the capacity to handle the Glory of God. 

When Adam fell, his body lost its glory and became dead inside out, because there was no more supply of life from his soul to his body. That is why man became vulnerable to sicknesses and diseases.

This is what we call The Fall

The Fall is actually a total degradation from the original frequency of vibrations of a being, into a lesser and weaker frequency and vibrations. This is exactly what happened to Adam, hence he was sent away from the heavenly places into this earth. Because his being could no longer handle the frequency of that place, he had to be sent to a lesser world where he can relate to its frequency.

Mind you, earth and all created things that lived on it also fell from their original vibrations into a lesser one as a result of The Fall. 

Hence, Adam and all these creatures were sent away from the garden to a world that can embody their vibrations easily.

Man was sent away with the hope that he will truly repent and be redeemed one day...

The fall of man is not the end, it's actually a new beginning that will bring about the redemption of all things and the awakening of the entire consciousness and being of man, into a higher frequency through the operation of divine life.

Just like there is the fall of man, there shall also be the awakening of man

Just like man fell by eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, man shall also be awakened by eating from the Tree of Life, which is Christ.

Just like the whole Creation became subject to corruption through man, likewise, they shall become subject to incorruptible through the awakening of man.

When man is fully awakened into his glorious and divine estate, Creation that had been made subject under man, shall also shall be awakened into her glory.

Behold, the time is near that the corruptible shall put on incorruptible.

The time is near that death shall be swallowed up with life, even in our mortal bodies.

Our body is going to experience an awakening, the eternal life in our spirit shall rise to our soul and take over our body as well.

It shall awaken all the dormant abilities of God in our cells, and restore us back to our original vibrations.

Then we shall put on our heavenly body.

Just like we have borne the mark of the fallen, so also shall we bear the mark of the heavenly.

Just like we have put on corruption, likewise we shall put on the incorruptible Life of God.

We shall all be overwhelmed by the Eternal Life of God.

Behold, the coming of the incorruptible Life of God.

Behold the rising of sons of Light, the carriers of immortality, even in their souls and body.


Are you blessed? Then share.

Anticipate my upcoming article: Feeding From The Tree Of Life.

Don't forget to drop your comments and share this article link on all your social media pages.


Elijah Enoch

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  1. 🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️ Powerful teaching Sir
    Thank you Sir

  2. I'm truly blessed,this will aid my consciousness, man fell from divinity to humanity,I'm blessed,by eating from the tree of good and evil,I can become divine by eating from the tree of life which is Christ

  3. Thank you sir for this piece.

  4. I've been blessed by this series alot

  5. Thank you sir for these series

  6. Am super blessed sir. While reading through certain scriptures I read was becoming clearer to me and I am gaining understanding to what God was actually saying.
    Thank you so much sir Elijah Enoch

  7. Kai! Thank you sir!
    Thank you Jesus!
    Eternal Life!

  8. Anonymous3:26:00 AM

    Wow !This is really an awakening to consciousness of what we really are in Christ Jesus. I'm blessed sir thank you

  9. I can't have enough of these teachings my entire being is excited and my conciousness is expanding.....let the sons of God manifest!!!!

  10. I can't have enough of these teachings my entire being is excited and my conciousness is expanding.....let the sons of God manifest!!!!Reply
