Experience God's Spirit Through Meditation

How to Explore Realms in God by Elijah Enoch - The Book That Will Show You How to Experience God

How to Explore Realms in God by Elijah Enoch - The Book That Will Show You How to Experience God


The importance of cautioning and culturing the heart towards the things above cannot be overemphasized for a successful Christian journey. 

Hence, your journey into supernatural exploits in Christ starts with your heart. That is why even your salvation starts with first believing the finished works of Christ in your heart. 

The heart needs to be at all times tuned to the frequency of heaven, a lot of times God is speaking and sending you signals but have you learned to listen and yield? 

The distance between you, heaven, and earth is not first in space and time, the distance is in your heart, and when we learn 'HOW' to set our hearts on things above we will understand the verity of the Scripture in Luke 17:21;

'Neither shall they say, Lo here! Or, lo there! For, behold, the Kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU’.

 In the Kingdom of Heaven, there are no specials, everyone is welcome to explore the never-ending doors in Heaven, and what determines this is our heart posture. And there is a 'HOW' to set ourselves in motion for the adventures in God. The things and dynamics of the Spirit can be taught through the Agency of the Holy Ghost.

This book is ageless treasures mined from the heart of the Father, by his servant Prophet Elijah Enoch when he was on a desperate quest to seek the face of God, in the midst of severe hunger, turbulence, and pain he persisted and purposed in his heart to unravel the mystery of the palpability in God.  

Alas! He found the ancient secrets of touching God, hence he was commissioned to teach sons the techniques and mechanisms of trans-versing dimensions in God and walking right with him in this book;

How to explore realms in God is a special book that Elijah Enoch was inspired by God to write. Details about the book are listed below, including some testimonies from those that read the book.

How to Explore Realms in God

Table of Contents

Below are a few reviews and testimonies from How to Explore Realms in God

How to explore realms in God has recorded an untrackable number of testimonies, ranging from healings to encounters with Jesus and the Saint in Lights, even financial breakthroughs.

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