Experience God's Spirit Through Meditation

The Fall - Did Adam Really Fell Just By Eating The Fruit Of A Tree? [Must Read]

The Fall - Did Adam Really Fell Just By Eating The Fruit Of A Tree? [Must Read]

I'm sure you have heard that word many times, especially if you grew up in a Pentecostal church. 

You would have heard your preachers say something about the fall of Adam and the entire Creation, through the disobedience of Adam.

So what actually is this fall about?

What happened in the east of the Garden of Eden?

Why do they call it The Fall?

Just like you have been told, Man truly disobeyed a divine order given to him by his creator. Adam ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which he was told not to eat from.

You may also have been told that the tree was a sort of tree that produces physical fruits, which Adam plucked and ate from. But that is not what actually took place.

Adam truly ate from a tree, but the tree is not an apple tree or any sort of tree that produces physical fruits like the ones we have here on Earth.

The tree Adam ate from is what Moses called the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It's not actually a physical tree, but a type of civilization, and the knowledge that gives birth to that civilization in the Spirit realm.

It's a civilization that embodies both good and evil together. So Adam fed from the knowledge of that civilization in his soul.

He didn't eat the fruit with his physical mouth but with his soul. He looked upon it and desired it, and accepted it in his heart. This was how he fed upon that knowledge. What you see on earth today is a result of that knowledge of good and evil Adam fed on.

Adam ate it by taking that knowledge into his soul, and it reconfigured his entire being against the divine order which was put in place.

Like I said earlier, the tree Moses was talking about is not a physical tree and fruit as you think, but rather a type of civilization and the knowledge that comes from that civilization.

Remember, Moses called it, "The tree of knowledge of good and evil". If it's a tree of knowledge, how then can it be eaten physically by mouth?

Remember we feed on knowledge through our soul gateways. This is how every man feeds on knowledge.

When you read a book, you are actually feeding on the knowledge documented inside that book.

Also, you need to remember that Adam did not fall till he fed on that tree. So he couldn't have eaten it by his physical mouth as you think. 

But Moses described it to you that way so that you will be able to understand in the natural sense, what took place in eternal realms. Moses called it a tree just to make you understand the natural what happened in eternity, that led to the fall of man. He used the nature of this world to describe spiritual things.

Having laid this foundation, I can now proceed to explain to you what happened when man fed on that knowledge, and how we can correct the effect of that fall in our time.

But wait... Do you notice that one of the major selling merchandise in this world of men is knowledge?

From ancient times till this very moment, mankind has trafficked upon knowledge, he has fed his soul on different forms of knowledge, which happens to be a subset or manifestations of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

So you wonder why everything man has produced so far with his so-called advanced technology has both the tendency for good and for evil inside them.

There is no one thing produced by a man so far since the fall that doesn't have both good and evil inside.

They all have side effects because they are offspring of the tree of knowledge of good and evil that man fed from.

The vibrations that come out of everything man has been producing since The Fall carries both good and death inside them; even our so-called advanced medicine all have negative side effects, as much as they have positive effects in our body.

The Fall

In the next article, I will reveal to you what happened after man ate the fruit and how it can be corrected.

Are you blessed? Then share in all your social media accounts and platforms.


Elijah Enoch

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