Experience God's Spirit Through Meditation

The Inner World - The Secret World That Exist In Your Heart That You Are Not Aware of

The Inner World - The Secret World That Exist In Your Heart That You Are Not Aware of

Man is far bigger than who and what he thinks he is.

There are worlds within us that we are yet to come into the consciousness of. After all, Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is within us.

Do you know what it means to embody the whole Kingdom of God?

As a man, there are enormous possibilities inside you that you are yet to tap into.

There is a world inside you, deep within your heart. This world is full of all kinds of beautiful things and beings that you can ever think of.

This world is a beautiful one, and it's the source of everything you see in your daily life.

This inner world controls your external world. 

It's a place of pure energy of love. A beautiful kingdom crafted in your heart by your heavenly Father, with the hope that you will one day come to discover its existence in you, visit it, and from there bring things into your physical world/ earth.

This inner world is a world of creativity and an unlimited flow of divine inspiration. You cannot visit this place, dwell there, and be limited here on earth, no matter your circumstances or your background. 

Once you come into the awareness of this inner world, begin to visit it to behold things and draw things from that place to the earth, you will see a great change in your life. You will begin to see the manifestations of God that you couldn't have seen nor experienced otherwise.

Saints in the old knew of the existence of this inner world. And they gave their time to explore it without any fear whatsoever.

Some even explored it to the point that they discovered the power of endless life, which Christ has placed inside every one of us by the reason of the new birth. They took hold of this power and began to look younger and younger.

Immortality began to find expression even in their mortal bodies. And when it got to a certain point, this endless life took over their entire being completely, and they couldn't die again. Hence, they had to become invisible to natural man, yet they are still on earth, now serving the Father in a greater capacity.

Some explored this inner world and came to the awareness of the endless riches of God in Christ Jesus; even material things. They began to take hold of it, and to their amazement, material things began to materialize for them to use.

They operated in this unusual level of wealth such that no matter the economic system of the world, even if it's crashing, they are never affected because they operated from an invisible world, their supply coming from God and not from man. Thus, they were not vulnerable to changes in time and seasons of men, and their effect on their economy. They were living in a timeless world, which is in every man.

The inner world within us has no time and distance, neither does it operate by them. It's an eternal world where all things happen in the now.

Nothing like the future, past, and present here, they all exist in the now. 

This is a world of eternity, everything you see there is eternal, and they are not subject to changes that take place on Earth. Likewise, whosoever explores this world and lives in it shall never be subject to the fluctuations that happen here on earth, by reason of changes that come with each time and season.

Oh! What a wonderful world it is, blessed is he who learns how to journey within to this world in his heart, and from there draw out things to the earth.

The inner world

The key to changing your external environment and circumstances here on earth is to journey deep into the hidden world in your heart, explore it, behold the glory of God in it, and lay hold of that which is readily available for you in Christ. Then shall you see great changes in that aspect of your life.

This is how we grow spiritually and come into the experiential awareness of God and His goodness to us: by journeying into the hidden world in our hearts.

The key to exploring this inner world is your imagination, you need to open your imagination and let it explore this inner beautiful world placed in you by your Father.

PRACTICE: How to Journey to The Inner World

Relax your mind, shift your mind from this external world to the internal world within you.

You might need to close your eyes for easy navigation.

As you close your physical eyes open your inner eye which is your imagination, to explore that beautiful world.

Your exploration of this inner world is the beginning of the transformation in your external world.

Practice this consistently and watch your life take a great leap forward.

Do your practice, drop your comments, and share this article link with your friends.

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Elijah Enoch

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  1. This works.. And it is refreshing.

    God bless you sir.

  2. Got something turned up in the inside.

  3. Powerful reality.
    We're yet to come to the awareness of our God Identity as Sons

  4. Wow... This is deep and rich

  5. God bless you man of God.

  6. My eyes are beginning to open to realities through ur teachings. Gracefulness sir.
    Chris Shine
