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Exploring the Connection Between Heaven and Earth: A Look at the Power of Spirituality and Nature

Exploring the Connection Between Heaven and Earth: A Look at the Power of Spirituality and Nature

There are two types of worlds that man experiences and interacts with daily - the Heavenly and the Earthly. 

The Heavenly is pure energy based and is a spirits' world, while the Earthly is purely matter based and is a man's world. 

The Heavenly is 100% energy. It has energy serving as both tools used for creation, and at the same time as the very thing created.

In other words, they use energy to create energy or use energy in specific ways to form specific things, shapes, etc. which they interact with in their world as matter, but which does not matter on Earth. 

So the citizens of Earth call this world immaterial world because what is material there is not material to them on Earth. 

But on Earth, their world is dominated by matter as their main element, it's 90% matter and 10% energy to them. But this is because of their ignorance of spiritual things, it's this ignorance that causes them to see things only in their world's view. 

Their consciousness is limited in understanding, hence they cannot see beyond the other world they tag as immaterial or Heavens, because they only think of matter and see everything from a matter point of view. 

Unknown to them, that which they call matter is actually a compressed form of energy, it's actually energy vibrating at its lowest possible form. 

So in real essence, the matter is actually energy vibrating in its lowest possible state, shaped into different shapes and structures. 

Relationship  Between The Two Worlds 

There is a relationship between the Heavenly world and the Earthly world. The relationship between them is in 3 different phases: 

* The one that existed between them before the fall of the Earthly world;

* The one that exists between them in the current fallen state of the Earthly world; and 

* The one that will exist between them when the Earthly world is fully restored to her original state of vibrations and ceases to function in the fallen state. 

The one I will explain here is the one that exists between the two worlds now that the Earth is functioning in its fallen state.

The One That Exists Between Them in The Current Fallen State of The Earth

As of now, the Earth functions more as a consumer of goods and services produced by those living in the Heavenly world. 

So the Heavenly citizens are the ones that really invent new things, and develop new ideas, products, and services, while the citizens of the Earth visit them to buy these things from them and then reproduce them in their own world too as products, services, and different innovations which their world has seen till today. 

So the scientists of Earth are not really the ones that invent the things they are being credited for, instead, they went on a journey to the Heavenly world, explored it and saw the things that interested them, and shipped those things to their world as ideas, thoughts, and imaginations. 

They worked on them by reassembling them step by step, because they cannot really ship entire products from the spirit realm or Heavenly world 100% in their purest state as energy, and make it appear in their world as matter without a certain and costly degree of energy. 

So it's cheaper and easier for them to ship things from that world to Earth as measures of energy in thoughts and imagination form, than 100% in the exact energy form that they saw in the Heavenly world. 

It's like when you buy a big machine in China and want to ship it to an African country; it would first be disassembled and then packaged well before it's shipped to that country. When it gets to that country, it would be reassembled as a whole machine. The same thing happens between the dwellers of these two great worlds. 

So as of now, the citizens of Earth are pure customers of the Heavenly world and they depend on them to advance their civilization because every breakthrough they've ever had in all their fields of study were direct works of the citizens of the Heavenly which their scientists discovered and produced. 

The scientists of the Earth visited the Heavenly to consult them, see their discoveries and then buy the ideas, bring them into their world, and reassemble them back as a whole. And this is how they advance the Earth's civilization from generation to generation. 

So the source of every material thing or matter that you see on Earth is the Heavens. And the base element inside those material objects is energy. 

While the major tool they use to ship them from the Heavens to the Earth is, their hearts. 

The Heart is the vehicle they use to bring things from the Heavens to the Earth. It converts that pure spiritual energy and immaterial object into pure thoughts and imaginations. 

Then when the carrier has acknowledged it, he uses his hands to bring them forth from his heart to his world and turn them from thoughts to matter that is tangible in his world called earth. 

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Elijah Enoch

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  1. Very powerful, a must read for every soul.

  2. Wow, this opened my eyes to things, I never knew and also helped confirmed things I knew before

  3. Am blessed by this, you're Graced to make men see sir....

  4. What an eye opener, Thanks for this Sir

  5. Kai... Mind blowing.. this explains alot of things especially the relation between energy and matter and the heart as the vehicle used to transport realities from the heavenly to the earthly

    Thank you for this Sir

  6. Yes sir, what I have to say is that the Power of Imagination is the link for the relationship between the two worlds. In the heavens you have all it takes to create what you want to see on earth but you will need to imagine and create it through your imagination. For example, you cannot have a successful business on earth without first imagining and creating it.
