Experience God's Spirit Through Meditation


Many people on earth today desired to succeed in life, they desired to be the best in their field. But not many know the exact formula to apply to achieve this success which they desired in their heart. 

There is an exact formula to apply to life and you will get a desired and calculated result from life because there are invisible forces that rule over creation. 

Therefore, events don't happen randomly on earth, whatever happens, is calculated in the heavenly realm. This means that if I want things to happen on this earth,  there are specific steps I can take and I will make that very thing happen. Because everything that happens on this planet is calculated. 

The Lord revealed this secret to me during a particular season of my life when I was seeking His face for direction. 

The first thing He told me was that where I am today is a result of the total way I had lived my life in the past 10 years of my life,  and I can determine where and what I will be in the next 10 years of my life by the kind of lifestyle I engaged in my life. This means that I can know how the future will be by knowing how I lived my present. 

Your desires+your sacrifices+God grace=Success. 

This is the formula for success in life.  The Lord makes me understand that you don't need to get to the future before you know how your future will be,   you can create your future today.  

Just like a farmer doesn't wait till the end of the season before he knows what type of harvest he will get from his farm. 

He determines his harvest by the choice of the seeds he chose to sow at the beginning of the season and the more seeds he sows the more harvest he will reap.  

Likewise, everybody on earth can determine what type of harvest they will reap in their lives by, determining what type of desires they welcome into their lives, pursuit with their heart and the types of sacrifices they made to birth out these desires coupled with the measure of God's Grace they carry. 

DESIRE: This is simply what a man hope for in his life. Before you can experience success you must first hope for it,  this hope is the foundation upon which every success is built-in Life. Without this hope there can be no faith,  for faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen. 

SACRIFICE: This is simply something laid down or given for the sake of getting what You hoped for. For you to birth out your desire upon the face of the earth,  you have to meet some demands that that is placed upon such desire. 

You have to sacrifice your time, to study about that very thing you want to get in life until you become that very thing such that everyone that sees you can see the expression of it in your life. 

Such that it influences the way you think, eat, live and sleep. And this will require that you do away with every other thing that is not related to this your pursuit. 

This is Sacrifice. Also, you have to sacrifice your money to buy books and make research about those who are already a success in that your pursuit in life and learn from their mistakes and failures. 

Another sacrifice you must make is the sacrifice of sowing seeds of money or giving things to those who are excelling in that field around you,  by doing this you are connecting yourself to the very grace of God upon the lives that cause them to prosper in that field. 

GRACE OF GOD: This is simply divine empowerment that can make one succeed in his/her pursuit. It's simply Something given to one by God to help such individual to achieve his/her desire. Without this, no one can succeed in life. 

There is no one on earth today that experiences success that is not a beneficiary of God's grace. 

Those who neglect this aspect in their pursuit for success never truly experience success, it's this that makes the difference between a workaholic and a wise man or a successful businessman. 

This grace is what determines who rise or fall every year all over the world. And you can receive this grace of God through prayer by asking God for it.  Also by giving to those who carry it. It's when you observe these three steps that you can truly experience success in life. 

Desire+Sacrifice+God's grace= Success.

Elijah Enoch 

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  1. Powerful sir

    I got value which I will practice henceforth.

    I have seen that whatever you write, you have and is a beneficiary of it in experience.

    I celebrate your sacrifices Sir 🙏

  2. Thank you very much for this sir😊
