Experience God's Spirit Through Meditation

The Believers Identity - Who is A Believer?

The Believers Identity - Who is A Believer?



To answer this question, one must understand the system behind naming something in the Kingdom.

To name a thing, one must know the real essence of that thing. In other words, it takes someone that is higher than that which is to be named, to discern the purpose of that thing and give it the right name.

If you check the story of Creation, you will see that it's always God or any being that has a high authority before God, that is given the privilege to name something in Creation. 

Another principle behind naming is that whatever you name, you own; it becomes subject to you.

Now, what is the main purpose of naming?

The purpose of naming a thing is to define its mode of operations for it. By naming something, you capture or summarise the entire destiny of that particular thing in that single name that you've called it. This has been the trend from the beginning of Creation till now.

If you check the names given to Jesus by God Himself, which He sent His angel Gabriel to deliver to Mary and His prophets, you will see that the names given to Him capture the entirety of His destiny and journey on earth.

So with this, it's very clear that names are not just something you give anyhow, it's something that has to be given by understanding that which you are giving the name to. Hence, God Himself had to name Jesus because only He understood His destiny and knew the summary of it.

Now back to Christian. The name "Christian" was given to believers in Antioch by unbelievers, because that's what they could come up within their limited understanding, to describe believers' activities at that time.

But, don't forget these people that named believers "Christian" were not born again, they were unbelievers without the Spirit of God in them. Hence, whatever they came up with cannot be the perfect speaking and naming of God for His sons, the believers.

Don't forget Christ Himself never called us Christians. It's unbelievers that gave us that name.

So, we cannot say Christian is the best name for us. It's not the name given to us by God Himself, as only He has the authority to name us.

We are not Christians...

We are the sons of God. 

We are the firstborn of God. 

We are the Body of Christ.

We are one with God. 

We are part of God.

God is part of us.

We are not Christians, but sons of God.

This is what the scriptures called us, this is what the Father Himself called us by His Spirit.

He put His Spirit inside us and made us become one with Him.

We cannot answer the name given to us by unbelievers because it sounds good, no. We have to understand that they are talking from a limited perspective because they don't have the Spirit of God inside them, hence they cannot behold our true essence and nature which is the Divine Life of God. Had they been able to, they wouldn't have called us Christians but "sons of God."

We have been named with Christ because we are part of him.

We are sons of God.

We are the Body of Christ.

We are not Christians, but sons of God.

Elijah Enoch

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