Experience God's Spirit Through Meditation

A mighty healing wave is about to hit Nigeria [Must Read]

A mighty healing wave is about to hit Nigeria [Must Read]

A mighty healing wave is about to hit Nigeria.

It's this wave that will usher in a special season of healing of those with leg issues, those that cannot walk with their leg, those with spinal cord injuries, those with arthritis and broken bones, etc.

After this season then comes the season of economic boost in Nigeria.

A season when even the young ones will be able to control millions at will.

A mighty flow of ideas for wealth shall flood Nigeria.

Suddenly, from no where, Nigerians will begin to rise into wealthy places.

And the economy of the country will become robust and great.

And the fame of that which God is doing among her shall be spread to the four corners of the earth.

But, note this, there are 2 seasons that will precede this season of an economic boost.

First, there shall be a mighty Healing wave across the country.

The healing power of Jesus has been deposited inside the youths over the years, and it shall now begin to go stronger inside them and become a mighty force and river which will begin to flow across territories.

It shall connect with many others like them that have this deposit inside them.

Then it shall form an arc of Healing over Nigeria.

A mighty cloud of healing, 

Hospitals will be emptied, and incurable diseases will vanish of their own accord.

Then comes the second season, the season of special Healing for those with leg issues.

They shall begin to receive unusual levels of healing and miracles such that, as many that are ministered to will be healed during this season.

And this is the sign for that which God is doing in your nation.

This is the season that will usher in a time of economic boost among you.

Observe the time and season, that you may be able to discern when these days come upon you.

A mighty Healing wave is coming to Nigeria.

And this is the sign you are to look for, the sign that will usher in the season of economic boost for your nation.

A season of divine visitation.

Elijah Enoch

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