Experience God's Spirit Through Meditation

The Civilisation of Life: An Exploration of the Evolution and Advancement of Human Society

The Civilisation of Life: An Exploration of the Evolution and Advancement of Human Society

The Civilisation of Life: An Exploration of the Evolution and Advancement of Human Society

The Civilization of Death

Look around you, what do you see?

Visit major news websites and channels of the world, what do you see?

Look at the streets and cities, what do you see?

Chaos, sickness, suffering, poverty, limitations, etc, isn't it?

In short, everything you see can be classified under one single thing - death.

The world of men operates under the regime of sin and death.

The world is being controlled by the law of sin and death, hence, everything that comes out of this civilization results in death. 

Even their so-called cures or solutions to issues have negative side effects on those that use them.

This civilization is a civilization of death...

Many people who tend to seek permanent and risk-free solutions to the problems of the world have risen. 

They spend years doing research to know how best to solve them, they seek the best solution to cancer, AIDS, and many life-threatening diseases, but they haven't arrived at that 100% perfect and negative-free solution yet, and they may not be able to do that for the next hundred years. 

Because the problem is not a lack of solution, but rather the dispensation in which mankind lives. It's this dispensation that determines the experiences of man, it determines the manifestations of man. 

Man cannot operate beyond the quota of reality that is made available to him in this civilization of death.

Civilization of Life

For man to exceed the quota of reality available to him, he must transcend from that fallen civilization of death completely to another type of civilization which is higher, the original estate of living that man was designed to live in and live by.

For a man to operate from the realm of perfection and 100% life-based, he must move to a new civilization, he must subscribe to another law entirely which is the law of the Spirit of Life In Christ Jesus. 

Man must intentionally choose life and reject death. By his will, he must seek after life and nothing else but life, because everything man has been seeking can only be found in this Divine Life.

Divine Life

Divine Life is a higher form of living, its vibrations are very high and it's that of love. 

Divine Life is a special life that is unlimited in every aspect of its expression. 

It's all life, all love, and all perfect. And this is what mankind needs to live above all the limitations of life.

When a man starts to acknowledge the existence of Divine Life in God and its possibilities, man will transcend from humanity to Divinity. 

Humanity is actually a limited and death-sentence state of living under the reign of the law of sin and death. 

But Divinity is the original estate of man, it's a realm of all life, all perfect, and all love, there are no limitations in this plane of existence. 

This was the original estate man was created to live in, but he fell from that estate into a lower estate called the civilization of sin and death. He fell from Divinity to humanity.

Humanity is the fallen man while Divinity is the risen and life-filled man.

Mankind has struggled for thousands of years to arrive at a state of all life, all perfect and all love, hence the constant upgrades man brings into his world and in every aspect of his life. 

He keeps improving on his dress, he keeps improving on his building construction model, he keeps improving on his education system, same with medical and political systems, and many more. Yet, he still experiences limitations and life-threatening issues. 

As a matter of fact, it looks like the more he thrives to upgrade his way of life, the more his challenges. He faces more life-threatening issues that are far greater than the previous ones despite his upgrades, so it looks like with each level of upgrade comes a higher rate of death and life-threatening issues...Mmmmm

As I said earlier, man can never get that which he seeks under his current dispensation which is that of sin and death. 

For him to arrive at that estate of all life, all perfect and all love, he must first transcend to the higher estate, he must subscribe to a higher form of life that can only be found in Christ.

Christ is the Solution to man's problems

Christ is the key to the problems of mankind, He is the solution to that which man has been seeking, for thousands of years, and he cannot find it without first subscribing to Christ and His Civilisation of Life. 

Then he will cease to operate under the law of sin and death and begin to operate under the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus.

Hence, the real problem of man is not about the methods that are being used, it's not about which one is the right method or the wrong method. 

The real problem has always been that man is operating under the wrong civilization, he is operating under a civilization that was created by a fallen angel called Lucifer. And this civilization wasn't created for man, it wasn't even created for the fallen angel himself; it's the angel himself that created it for himself and his fellow rebels, therefore it limits even the manifestations of that same angel and his fellows. 

The Limitation of Lucifer and his civilization

Right now, Lucifer is operating in a limited version of himself, he is no longer who he was eons ago, he is now fallen and limited, and he shall continue to be for eternity. 

So if the one that created a civilization himself is being limited by that same civilization, how then can the one who wasn't created for that think he can become the best version of himself within that civilization?

It's impossible!

Man can never be free from his problems as long as he keeps living under the civilization of the fallen ones. For him to be free, he must transcend the civilization of Christ and His Life.

Man's freedom can only be found in Christ, and man's quest for life - perfection and love - can only be fulfilled in the Civilisation of Life. There is no need in trying new methods of solving problems anymore, your forefathers did the same for thousands of years, yet, they kept seeing new problems every day. Stop! 

Don't waste your life doing the same, change your own way of thinking, completely turn back to Christ in your heart, and then you will find that which you seek inside Him, for He is the Truth, the Way, and the Life. He is the One you have been seeking for.

Turn to Christ within you and subscribe to His Civilisation of Life, so shall your experiences change completely.

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Elijah Enoch

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