Experience God's Spirit Through Meditation

The Excellency of Wisdom 2 - Wisdom is The Greatest

The Excellency of Wisdom 2 -  Wisdom is The Greatest

Dear Reader,

If you have been desiring to know the secret of greatness in life, 

If you have desired to know what is greater than gold and silver, 

If you have desired to know what is more powerful than riches and wealth, 

If you have been looking for what riches itself bow down to, 

If you have been crying to know what power and authority pay obeisance to, 

If you have been wandering in the wilderness of life, seeking to know what can make a man to be alive after many years of his departure from this world... 

 Do not look far; today, I have come with an answer to those questions. 

I have been sent by YAHWEH to show you the path of life.
I have been sent by the entire Godhead to let you know what is greater than riches and wealth.
I was sent from divine council in heaven to reveal this mystery to you.

 I was summoned to this council so that secrets would be revealed to me. I was taught the secret wisdom of the Kingdom that only sons know.
I was taught the codes of operations in the Kingdom.

 They summoned me to this divine council, that my heart might be enlightened with the Light of YAHWEH.
They summoned me that I might understand the path of life.
They summoned me to reveal the answer to the questions in the heart of men to me.
They summoned me that I might know what is greater than money, to know what is greater than riches and wealth, to know what is greater than gold and silver.

When I was in this divine council, I saw power and authority bow to HIM.
Power and authority were handed over to HIM as a tool to use for establishing the Kingdom of YAHWEH on earth. Then I was made to understand that there is nothing that can be desired in this life and the one to come that is greater than HIM. 

There is nothing that you can ever think of that is as great as HIM, not even gold, nor silver. 
For I saw silver and gold running as an errand boy for HIM. 
Money is even too small to stand before HIM. 
HE is the One that determines the value of wealth that a man will have in this life and the one to come.
HE is the one that determines how great a man will be. 

When you have HIM, money will serve you joyfully. 
When you have HIM, wealth will be yours to command.
When you have HIM, silver and gold will submit to your authority willingly, they will beg you to recruit them as one of your servants, they will beg you to use them as one of the tools that you will use to carry out your task in the Kingdom.
When you have HIM, great men will bow before you.
When you have HIM, you shall be sought after by men from different parts of the world.

 HE is the greatest asset a man can possess in this life and the one to come.

The name of this most valuable treasure I'm introducing to you is called "WISDOM". HE is the greatest asset anyone can have, for all things are created through HIM.

HE owns the copyright for all things that exist both in the spirit world and material world.

When you have HIM, all things shall acknowledge and honor you. When you have HIM, you have all things both in this life and the one to come.

Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore seek for wisdom, and with all thy getting, get understanding; and all other things shall navigate towards you in life. Amen. 

For prayer, counselling and testimony, please send a message to my inbox on FB. 

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Elijah Enoch


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