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The Gender War is Coming; The End of Marriage in Society is Fast Approaching [Must Read]

 The Gender War is Coming; The End of Marriage in Society is Fast Approaching

The Gender War is Coming

The gender war is coming.

The global manipulation of people's minds is fast approaching. 

They will call it Singlehood and Single-Marry.

It's a concept designed to distort an order; ''Male and female He created them''.

They will say, you don't need to get married, we have another way for you to experience sexual pleasure. 

Neither do you need to get married to have children; we have a solution for you.

The manipulation will come under the disguise of self-love.  

That is, marry yourself...

First, they will position themselves as solutions to the constant fight between males and females, couples, divorce, etc.

That is 'bait' one.

The second bait is already in play, the acclaimed human right under which LQGBT is been engineered into the society. 

But, do not be fooled, they won't stop there, they are going somewhere.

They foresee a great profit from this emerging industry of singlehood.

And Yes, they will surely profit from the gender war, billion dollars companies will surely rise through it.

But their rising is for a great FALL that shall befall them.


But during the phase of their rise, medical experiments will be conducted on people.

They will announce all kinds of medical breakthroughs. 

Even a breakthrough that will lead to the successful removal of hormones and energy that are responsible for giving people sexual drive, and desire for human companion. So, you will have humans without any craving for sex, romance, and companionship.

First, it will look as if they had succeeded, and the world is now in a new normal. 

Companies smiling to banks cause of the great profits they had made from the gender war. 


Suddenly, there shall be a smashing. 

A divine harmer shall land on them. A very huge one.

It will start with normal events, at least it will all look normal to the human mind. But it's a divine harmer smashing things.

How Will The Empires Built on The Gender War Fall?


Through psychological side effects. 

Those who accepted the gospel of singlehood and single-marry will start to break down mentally.

So, the great FALL of empires built around such gospel will start.

At first, they will think it's something easy and simple to cure. 

But it will soon down on them that they had unleashed the beast through their ideologies. 

As the side effects spread, so will the demand and acceptance of the gospel drop massively.

And those who have enriched themselves with wealth through the ideology will watch and see their wealth turn to dust in the blink of an eye.

The FALL of this empire will be so great that the whole experience will be documented as another form of discovery.

Because science will discover and understand the statement: Male and female he created them.

So, companionship will become the new gospel.

Marriage will become another hot thing in demand. 

Governments will preach it, and they will give incentives for it.

And so, the great world reset is now complete.

Love is back in the society. Males and females now embrace each other imperfections.

They join hands together to build a new society that is safe and healthy.

Male and female he created them now becomes the watchword.

And so shall it be.

My name is Enoch Elijah, I am the light that shines to the soul of men.

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