Experience God's Spirit Through Meditation

Man’s Design and Spirituality: A Journey into the Unknown

Man’s Design and Spirituality: A Journey into the Unknown

Man as a being was designed uniquely.

Man as a being was designed to be God's best creation

There are structures and systems installed into our being by God to aid our development and manifestation of life.

We as a race were designed to live and exist in the eternal dimension of life.

We are meant to constantly interact with the life of God that was installed into our being during the formation of the first man.

Our thoughts were meant to be the speaker of that life.

That is, we are meant to think and imagine what that life processed within us.

Our thoughts are meant to be the voice that speaks the essence of life.

But, something happened, man fell and the fall changed the structure of man.

Now, the mind of man has become the new center of attention.

What this does was that the entire existence of man was limited to only memories of the past.

So, a lot of people are not living life as it ought to be, they are just re-living old memories that are captured in their thoughts, imagination, and feelings.

Limitations Of Man

People limit themselves to thoughts, feelings, and imaginations of the past. 

Whether that of their parents, themselves, or of others that they once met in their exploration of life, this includes authors whose books they read.

Soul Memory Of Man

So, the summary of the life that a lot of people are living is soul memory.

There's no new flow of life from their eternal spirit to their soul. Just a fragment that's enough to charge the spark of their soul and body and keep it alive.

This is what Spirituality was born to address.

How Spirituality Came Into Existence

Right from ancient times, people discovered that they are just living old memories or recycling old thoughts.

They thought to themselves, there must be something else to life than to act and behave in a certain way that is a program of their parents and environment running in their soul and body memory.

Hence, they started asking themselves certain questions like;

where do we come from?

where are we going to?

What's the essence of our existence? etc.,

They thought to themselves; if a child cannot exist without parents giving birth, surely a man too cannot exist without a higher being or personality giving birth to man.

Hence, they came about with the title GOD/DEITY

Man Journey Back To God

They realized that they came from somewhere and they started making attempts to reconnect back to that source, that very being that's the source of their life to rediscover life afresh.

This is how Spirituality was born.

What Is Spirituality?

Spirituality is man's attempt to reconnect back to his very source of life.

At the center of that discovery and invention is, prayer.

Prayer was invented and used as a tool to communicate with their GOD.

And ever since then, the concept of spirituality and prayer has become part of humanity from ages to ages.

Man Lost The Purpose Of Prayer

Along the line, true purpose and meanings were lost, same with their effectiveness.

But some people still remember, understand and practice true spirituality and prayer.

These sets of people receive a constant flow of life from within them.

They live a life that's beyond the limitations of their thoughts, memories, imaginations, and environment.

Because their soul receives new data from their spirit each time they close their eyes and enter into an experiential union with God in their heart during moments of prayer.

True Purpose Of Prayer

A prayer is a tool through which man connects with the very source code of life that's within him.

During this state of prayer, new data are been transmitted from his spirit to his soul and body.

This helps a man to experience a new form of life for each cycle of prayer.

This type of living is different from the ones done by those that do not make deliberate attempts to connect with the source code of life within them. 

Negative Effects Of Living Only From Your Memory

For those that live off their memories only, their experiences of life are limited to the past. 

The negative effects of this are addictions, trauma, pain, offense, etc.

Prayer is not just a tool for getting things from God.

A prayer is a tool for living beyond the limitations of the fall which are responsible for the majority of man's problems in the world today.

Do you understand these things?

Elijah Enoch

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