Experience God's Spirit Through Meditation

Prayer For Financial Miracle - 5 Powerful Declaration Prayers To Receive Your Miracle

 Prayer For Financial Miracle - 5 Powerful Declaration Prayers To Receive Your Miracle

Prayer For Financial Miracle - 5 Powerful Declaration Prayers To Receive Your Miracle

If you are passing through a series of financial challenges and you have done everything possible to solve these challenges but still, there are no changes or improvements, then you need to start prayers for a financial miracle.

Situations that failed to respond to logical and human intelligence and principles are likely caused by spiritual-related problems or situations, and to solve such, you need to apply spiritual solutions, and one of such spiritual solutions is prayer.

What Is Prayer For Financial Miracle?

Prayer For Financial Miracle is a type of prayer you pray to cause a spiritual change in your finances and everything related to it.

The purpose of the prayer is to remove whatever spiritual reasons for the spiritual problems you are facing.

What Prayer For Financial Miracle Will Do For You

Usually, when the spiritual problems responsible for your financial challenges are solved, you will start seeing a massive change or progress in your finances;

  • You will experience an increase in business opportunities.
  • Increase access to a better network of people or business partners.
  • Higher demand for your skill or services.
  • People will start recommending you to their inner circle
  • You will start having a massive inflow of thoughts and ideas on how to do things differently to meet and exceed your customers or Boss' expectations.
  • A massive increase in cashflow

How To Know If Your Financial Challenges Are Caused By Spiritual Problems

The best way to know if your financial problems are caused by spiritual problems is to ask yourself the following questions;

  1. Do I have a high-demand skill?
  2. Am I using my skill in the right location or industry where there is a high demand for my skill?
  3. Is my skill good enough to solve the problem it's meant to solve in my industry?
  4. Am I charging or being paid the right amount for my skill?
  5. Are my expenses, not too much for my level?
  6. Hope am not trying to prove a point to others with my expenses?
  7. Have I done the right thing recommended by experts in my industry to increase my income?
  8. Do I do my best to meet my customer or boss's expectations for every project given to me?

If you answer all the questions above right, and yet you are struggling financially, then your problem might be a spiritual one. And this article is written just for you to solve that problem.

How To Solve Your Spiritual Problem

The best way to solve spiritual problems is through spiritual means. and the best spiritual means to use is prayer.

You need to pray to God and make declarations and confessions for you to break out of that circle of financial problems.

Now, if you are ready to break out of that financial problem follow the following instructions and pray the prayers with me.

Instructions For Financial Miracle

1. Sit down and relax your mind or you can lie down.

2. Close your physical eyes, but open your heart, that is, be alert in your mind.

3. Pray the prayers listed below.

4. When you are done with the prayer, take an amount of money and sow it as a seed or as a gift to anyone your heart inspires you to give the money to.

Prayers For Financial Miracle

Prayer For Financial Miracle - 5 Powerful Declaration Prayers To Receive Your Miracle

1. Prayer For Acknowledging God As The Source Of All Good Things

  • Father, I know you are the source of all things. 
  • You are the creator of all things. All good things come from you.
  • Today, I acknowledge you as the source of all good things I desire.
  • I acknowledge you as my source and provider.
  • I know that nothing is impossible for me to do or achieve through your blessings.
  • Thank you for giving me the good things in life.

2. Prayer To Stop All Negative Forces From Your Finances

  • In the name of Jesus, I command all negative forces to leave my finances alone.
  • Every negative force limiting my financial inflow or negatively affecting my business or job, I command you to stop now.
  • Your hold against my life is removed now.
  • You are powerless over my finances.
  • My angels are released now to remove all negative forces and spirits from my finances.

3. Prayer To Release Your Angels Over Your Finances

  • In the name of Jesus Christ, I release my angels over my finances.
  • The Ministry of financial angels is activated over my life now.
  • My angels create new opportunities for me to earn legally within my area of expertise.
  • My angels cause the right opportunities within my industry to come to me now.
  • Angel of favor causes men to favor me.
  • Financial angels cause money-making opportunities to flow toward me.
  • I'm forever blessed.
  • I will never be stranded again in life.
  • I am in the right place at the right time for the right opportunity meant for my skill.

4. Prayer For Divine Money Making Ideas

  • Father, I open my heart and mind to you.
  • From today onward I receive divine ideas from you.
  • I receive ideas that will enable me to earn an honest income.
  • My hands are blessed forever.
  • My hands are empowered to carry out the divine ideas and bring forth fruits and harvests of excellent results.
  • The work of my hands markets me all over the world to the right people at the right time.

5. Money-Making Declarations

  • People reward my skills and abilities with money.
  • People place a high value on my skill.
  • People reward my value with money and bigger access.
  • People reward my expertise with higher promotions and access to highly valued people in my industry.
  • People talk about my value every day, and they praise my work.
  • People love my brand and feel blessed to be associated with me. 
  • Kings and Princes love my work and seek to partner with me.
  • Kings and Princes talk about my work to their friends.
  • Kings and Princes reward me for my skill and value-added their lives. Amen

What To Do Next After Prayer To Receive Your Miracle

After you have prayed those prayers, the next thing to do is to follow the instructions below.

1. Start paying attention to your thoughts and imagination for ideas and instructions from God to you on what to do to increase your financial income or demand for your skill.

2. Start evaluating your life and skill to see what you need to remove or improve on.

3. Start paying attention to strategic relationships that can increase your exposure to opportunities in your industry and life.

4. Start networking to break into new circles and groups of valuable people, this can increase your exposure to new opportunities that are not common.

5. Start giving money to people deliberately as a gift: The idea is, you sow what you reap, so by giving money as a gift to people, you increase your chances of experiencing money-making opportunities.

6. Sow seeds and give to spiritual people that have been adding spiritual value to your life: Click here to give to the author of this article, Enoch Elijah.

The idea behind this is that, as you honor and appreciate the spiritual people that add value to your life by giving money and gifts to them, you are activating a spiritual law that, men should honor and appreciate your work too, and reward you accordingly.

The steps above are all you need to do to activate your financial miracle.

See also

How To Explore Realms In God

Walking With God

Confessions For Healing

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