Experience God's Spirit Through Meditation

The God That Answers Prayer [You Need To Read This]

The God That Answers Prayer [You Need To Read This]

There is something that our forefathers of Faith knew about God that gave them a consciousness of victory at all times over life's challenges.

They were introduced to a God that answers prayer at all times.

They may not have known much doctrine or may not have sounded perfect whenever they communicated their Faith. But these people had tangible experiences of God.

They had a track record of answered prayers with God.

Whenever they prayed, heaven honored their voice and granted them their request. Even in some cases that looked impossible for an educated mind, they prayed to God, and God would introduce an element of the supernatural, and solve their problems according to their request.

These fathers knew one thing about God, and they held on to it with their lives.
That thing is: He is a God that answers prayers.

And this belief of theirs produced many results for them. God never disappointed them for once, because they believed in Him, and that He answers prayers.

But for this generation, the case is different. We sound more accurate than our fathers in doctrine and every other thing.

We are more educated than them. 

We have more preachers than them. 

We have more church-goers than them.

We have more tongues-speaking believers than them. 

We have access to more Christian materials and teachings than them.

Many of us have read hundreds of books written by Christian authors and ministers across the world.

Yet, we cannot boldly say that we truly know God.

We cannot boast that our God answers prayers at all times.

If we say any of these, we say them based on our mental knowledge and not on our own personal experience of God.

We keep debating different doctrinal beliefs among ourselves, with the aim of arriving at the truth.

None of these are wrong in themselves, but our problem is that we use these our activities to replace our need for personal experience of God.

We fail to evaluate ourselves and ask ourselves  a sincere question:

Do we truly know God?

Can we boldly say like our fathers of old, that we will pray now and God will answer our prayer even in front of unbelievers?

Can we boldly say that our God answers prayer?

You see, our Faith and experience in the Kingdom are tied to this single question. 

The most important part of our Faith is our faith in God that He answers prayer.

This is what separates us from all other religions of the world.

Their gods are deaf and dumb, they cannot call unto them and expect an instant answer.

On the contrary, our God is very much alive, He Himself is the Source of all forms of life.

He is a God that answers prayers, and until we come to this understanding and lay hold of it, we will not come into the true experience of God.

And our generation might be denied the pleasure that comes with seeing the manifestations of God, which comes by praying to Him and receiving feedback from Him.

We might end up handing down ordinary religion to our upcoming children and their generation.

We might end up raising a generation of people whose boast is in activities and euphoria of going to church every Sunday, without any tangible proof of God to show unbelievers in their society.

Our Faith is based on the faithfulness of God to answer prayers. 

Ask yourself: Is your God a God that answers prayers?

Can you boast to your unbelieving neighbors that your God answers prayers?

If your answer is No, then you need to go back to the simplicity of the Gospel and seek to know God experientially as a God that answers prayers.

This generation needs a God that answers prayers, not the deaf and dumb gods of this world. 

The only hope for this generation to survive the coming havoc of the enemy is to be re-introduced to a God that answers prayers.

Is that your God?

Elijah Enoch

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