Experience God's Spirit Through Meditation

Inner Compass of The Heart - The Soul Guide To Destiny Fulfillment And Greatness

   Inner Compass of The Heart - The Soul Guide To Destiny Fulfillment And Greatness

Within every man that comes to earth, there is a  special device installed in his heart like software programmed to start running immediately after he starts breathing in his mother's womb.

This device is very pivotal to the fulfillment of the purpose of that individual on earth. 

No one can fulfill his purpose here on earth without the aid of this device.

No one can succeed in whatever he does without the aid of this device in his heart.

This device works like a compass to every man on Earth; its purpose is to guide man in his journey on Earth. The function of this device is to guide the bearer in the right direction in which he is to go and overcome obstacles that he comes across in his journey.

This device was programmed to lead man from his fallen state back to his Creator, it was programmed to guide him such that as he begins to journey daily on earth, he will discover some things about himself that were hidden from him, but placed in his life for him to discover. 

Inside this device, there is another program or instructions installed, to be carried out in the heart of man, which is to guide him in his daily activities to a place and time where he will see the need for God and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. 

For this to happen, there are many situations orchestrated in the life of man, so that in his quest to follow the right path, he can stumble upon Christ and receive His Life. 

But unfortunately, many people do not follow the navigation of this compass in their hearts

This explains why many people are very gifted, yet suffer from certain challenges in their lives that they would have overcome easily if they had continued to follow the navigation of this compass.

Many people are even confused as regards their purpose on earth, they don't know why they were sent to live here on earth at this particular dispensation, because they didn't follow the inner compass to that stage where they are shown the purpose for which they were sent here on earth.

Many people don't know if they are gifted or not, most of them will tell you that they don't have any divine gift given to them by God while they were coming to earth. 

But this is not true, they think so because they haven't followed their inner compass to the place or level where they will be shown their inherent gifts and abilities; for there is no one created by God and sent here on earth without being given specific gifts which will help him to fulfill his destiny.

There are some people that are very gifted and influential in society but they don't know their Creator, they don't know who created them, and they are not born again because they didn't follow their inner compass and guide to that point where they will be shown their need for Christ and to receive salvation. 

After discovering their gifts, they took off with them and neglected the compass in their heart, hence you see most of these celebrities today struggling with some private and personal issues and challenges which they cannot explain. They have used all their wealth to seek solutions to these problems, but they're not solved.

They are very influential on the outside but deep in their heart, they are dying from some issues they cannot explain with the language of men; something is killing them inside but they don't know that thing, they don't know that the solution to it is to follow the inner compass within them to Christ, return to their creator, accept Christ, and then shall they find peace in their heart.

This is the purpose of the inner compass given to man while coming to earth. It's by this inner compass that Adam was able to name all the animals in the garden and he was very accurate before he fell. 

Every man has this compass within him, whether Believer or Unbeliever.  It's through this compass that many of us stumble upon Christ in our navigation of life. 

Our encounter with Christ is not an accident, it was calculated, but many do not arrive at this because they neglect their inner compass and seek to navigate life through their own efforts. This explains the reason for the chaos in their lives.

If you find yourself struggling with certain challenges, it's a sign that you have neglected the inner compass within your heart. And the solution is to check your heart, spend time alone with yourself in deep meditation to see when last you felt the direction of that compass, and trace it back to your current stage. Then deep within your heart, you will know the step to take to overcome that problem you are facing at the moment.

For there is a compass within your heart installed by God while you were coming to earth, to guide you through the affairs of life. 

He never intends that you face challenges alone without His help, you are the one that neglects the navigation device He gave you to guide you in your daily activities. 

Look within your heart again, seek for the compass there and you will feel your light shine again, and you will see where you are to go next in life. see the inner world

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