Experience God's Spirit Through Meditation

The Years: 2020 - 2040 - Are You Ready For What is Coming?

The Years: 2020 - 2040 - Are You Ready For What is Coming?

Watch out for years 2020-2030:

It's a period of greater revelation and understanding for the Body of Christ.

Mysteries and wisdom of the Kingdom that have been sealed for ages past shall be unlocked to many during this period of time.

Watch out for years 2030-2040:

It's a period of strange manifestations and demonstrations of the  Kingdom.

Many will be given the power of ages to come, to demonstrate the wisdom of the Kingdom and to bear witness to YESHUA everywhere they go.

During this period, that special breed of people that  YAHWEH has been preparing, shall emerge for the whole Creation to behold. 

I don't know the exact year for their manifestation yet, but it's during the period I stated above in Earth's calendar.

They will not misuse the power given to them, for they know the very purpose for which this power is entrusted to them.

All their lives they have been trained for this special moment in the history of the entire  Creation. 

They are coming, and nothing can stop their manifestation. 

Not even the gates of hell.

Prepare for these things.


Elijah Enoch


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