Experience God's Spirit Through Meditation

Awakening Your Body 2: Thoughts And Imagination, The Key to Awakening

Awakening Your Body 2: Thoughts And Imagination, The Key to Awakening


I'm sure that you are familiar with the popular word of Jesus as regards adultery being a thing of the heart. 

Jesus made us understand that if a man looks at a woman lustfully, he has committed adultery with her. I'm sure you would have quoted that passage many times to your fellow brethren in the Faith or heard it being preached to you on Sunday morning or during Sunday school and Bible study and many more, especially when issues of morality are being discussed in the church.

But do you ever pause to examine the principle behind that judgment Jesus made as regards adultery? 

Do you ever pause to think about what happens in a man's body whenever he looks at a lady lustfully?

Do you ever think about the chemical reactions that take place in his body immediately after he looks at a lady lustfully?

Likewise, a lady, when she looks at a guy lustfully, do you know the kind of chemical reactions that happen in her physical body?

Well, what does that have to do with body awakening, you ask. 

You see, that judgment Jesus made on adultery being a thing of the heart first, is not just a judgment; it's an eternal principle of God that guides the operation of the heart and that of the body.

It's a principle that operates on the relationship between a man's thoughts and imagination, and his physical body. 

Not only man, but even beings of glory and angels are also subject to this principle. They awake or demonstrate their celestial body glory or reduce it by their thoughts and imagination. 

They look within their heart on how beautiful they want to be externally, to show forth the Glory of God in them, and they set their heart on it till there is a reaction in their body, which causes an altering of their current physical body appearance and brings about a new appearance.

Angels descend to lower realms and put on the body of that lower realm through this same principle. So it doesn't only apply to men as regards adultery, rather it's an eternal principle that governs the relationship between the heart of a being and his body.

Your thoughts and imaginations are not ordinary like I said in my previous articles, they are forms of energy manifesting in your soul to produce another manifestation of energies through you. see how to explore realms in God

When a man looks at a lady lustfully by thinking immoral thoughts and imagining the act, his body will begin to awaken into that consciousness of his sexuality, and he will begin to feel the urge to act out that which he has conceived in his heart. 

This is a manifestation of how a man's thoughts can bring about a change of consciousness both in his soul and his body, which later brings about a change in the energy level of the same.

Your thoughts and imaginations possess energies that can be released into your body and awake it into its divine beauty and glory.

Have you noticed that when you begin to think the thoughts of evil and fear and you begin to imagine such, you will begin to fear somehow in your body vibrations? 

There will be strange negative energy rushing to your being and bringing you to a consciousness of fear and anxiety. You will feel as if your life has come to an end and all sorts of things, all because you thought negative thoughts and imagined the same. Your entire state of vibrations changes and you feel like a different person, which is a stranger to God's Peace. 

Likewise, you can use your thoughts for good and use your imagination to imagine the same. And when you do so and dwell on it, you will see your body awake into a whole new state and vibration. You will feel different in your body and your inherent power will be awakened.

You can awaken your body vibrations by changing your inner consciousness and making it strong enough in your heart. 

When you dwell upon that consciousness, you will begin to feel a new chemical reaction taking place in your body. This is the key to awakening your body.

You can awaken your body from sickness and diseases just by setting your heart on the Eternal Life of God inside you and thinking about its presence and purpose in you. 

When you do this long enough, you will begin to feel a different chemical reaction taking place in your body and altering your current body energy and chemical equations, introducing a divine one into your body. 

You can best do this when you lie down flat on a bed or sit still for proper focus and attention on what you are doing in your heart.

The body of man is designed in such a way that it can be influenced by man himself, man can decide how he wants his body to operate and how effective he wants his body to be. You wonder why medical science is having breakthroughs in dealing with different issues in man's body day by day. They can transplant body organs from one person to another, why? 

It's because the body of man is programmed to be subject to man and to be programmable as he wills.

But for a believer the case is different, our body is subject to us for us to bring it under the subjection of the Holy Spirit. We awake our body not to do carnal things of this world, but to be able to use it to fulfill the ultimate goal for which the body of a man was created, which is to be the carrier of God-Life into all Creation.

Our body is a transportation device of God-Life, and the portal through which it's being released to restructure and bless Creation.

So when you think about awakening your body, let your sole purpose for awakening it be to be a blessing to your destiny and purpose in God, because there are things you cannot do with a sick body, and there are things you cannot do in the Kingdom with a body that cannot move in and out of places without a physical vehicle.

It's time to awaken your body into its divine glory and beauty so that your Father in heaven might be glorified through it and be able to find full expression on earth. 

Are you blessed? 

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Elijah Enoch

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  1. Wow
    True sir

    Ajala Oluwamayowa

  2. Awesome reality I've been practicing it and it's working. Thank you sir

  3. Awesome reality I've been practicing it and it's working. Thank you sir.
    Oladapo Salvador

  4. Am awakened already, thank you sir

  5. Awesome Sir, Hallelujah

  6. Haaaaa. My Father my Father! Chariot of Isreal

  7. Wow!! Powerful. Using My heart to program my being and awakening it.

  8. Wow!! Using my heart to program my being and awakening it .

  9. Thank you sir. I got value..... Consciousness of the God life in me
