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Confessions For Healing - What to Say to Heal Your Body From Sickness and Diseases [Must Read]

Confessions For Healing - What to Say to Heal Your Body From Sickness and Diseases [Must Read]

Confessions For Healing

Confessions for healing are one of the easiest ways to heal your body from sickness or diseases.

There is no doubt that healing confessions have been proven to work and helped many people to receive their healing.

What Is Healing?

Healing is the restoration of your body system and organs from a sick state to a healthy state.

The healing can be sudden and it can be gradual such that the restoration is spread over a period, but during that period, you will notice gradual improvements in your health.

What Are The Types Of Healing?

There are two types of healing; Gradual healing and Instant healing.

1. Gradual Healing: The healing manifest in the body of the sick patient gradually. Daily, the person will notice improvements in his body till the healing is fully completed. depending on the situation, it can last for days or weeks.

2. Instant Healing: The healing manifests in the body instantly and all the symptoms and pains leave the body immediately.

Why Is Healing Important?

Healing is important because without our bodies being healthy and alive, we cannot fully live life as we ought to.

A sick body cannot give expression to the desires of the soul of the body owner. There are a lot of things a sick person would desire to do but will be limited in doing them.

Another reason, healing is important is because a sick body is a pain to the owner of such.

basically, sickness is a torment to whosoever have it in his body. hence healing is very important, it helps to solve the problem of sickness and the limitations sickness brings to the body and soul.

What Are Confessions For Healing?

Confessions are heartfelt words we say to convey our deepest intents and desires.

While confessions for healing are words we say to communicate our heart's agreement for our body's health to our body, which we expect our body to act on and manifest.

Basically, confessions for healing are words we say to program our body for healing and recovery back to a healthy state of being.

Confessions for healing is a body programming language for walking in divine health.

Why Do Confessions For Healing Work?

Because our words are powerful and they affect every aspect of our life.

So, just by saying something to ourselves over and over again, our body will start to conform to it and start to look like it or feel like it.

How Do Confessions For Healing Work?

As humans, our spirit, soul, and body are all energy. And they can all be influenced by our words.

Our words are the code through which we program our lives, most especially our bodies.

Each time we talk to ourselves we are programming our body for something or deleting something from our body and our life.

When you talk to yourself or confess that you are something; initially, nothing changes in your body because what you said may be casual and doesn't carry any real intent or desires.

But when you continue to say the same thing to yourself every day for a consistent period, your heart becomes charged in that direction and your desires and feelings for that thing increases.

Thereby affecting the deepest core of your body, down to the atomic level. Your body cells start to act on the feelings your words generated in your body.

These cells will then start to produce the replica of what you said and the feelings generated.

Where needed, these cells will reproduce themselves to carry out the instructions you gave to your body.

How Confessions For Healing Cure Cancer

If a man has cancer and he starts confessing that he is healed, the deadly cancerous cells in his body will begin to come alive until they are fully restored to their original healthy status.

When this happens, the body would be fully restored to optimal health performance. At such a stage the man is now cancer free.

How Do I Activate Divine Healing?

If you are sick in your body and you want to heal your body from sickness, there are steps to take to achieve that healing.

Follow these steps below to heal your body;

1. In your heart accept that Jesus had paid the price for your healing and healed you.

2. In your heart, confess that Jesus had paid the price for your healing and healed your body from sickness and diseases.

3. With your thoughts, as if you talking to yourself say these words;

                           Jesus has paid the price for my healing

                           Jesus has healed me.

                           I have no business with sickness again.

                           I am healed.

                           Jesus has healed me.

                           My body, you are healed from (mention name of the sickness)

                           (Sickness name) doesn't exist in my body.

                           My body is 100% healthy and working at its best capacity.

                           All the cells in my body are healthy and working perfectly.

                           Sickness and death have no place in my body.

4. Now say, those words out with your mouth as well.

5. As you say those words, imagine your body healed and working fine.

6. Repeat these steps every day till you are satisfied with the results you see in your body.

That is all you need to do to confess your healing and receive it.

You should check out my divinely inspired powerful books on the supernatural realm.

Also, check out my article on how to awaken your body to rule over sickness and diseases

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